There are plenty of options for short and affordable lease options for medical residents and fellows living and working in the Baltimore area. If you need flexibility in your living arrangements during this busy time of your medical career, look no further than SURE Rentals to find the right option for you.
As a medical resident or fellow, we understand that you are trying to figure out the future of your medical career. While you navigate the waters of what your professional future holds, we understand you need your housing options to be convenient, comfortable, and flexible. SURE Rentals is here to help.

Affordable short-term living situations
The future may feel uncertain during your residency, so that’s where short and affordable lease options for medical residents and medical fellow from SURE Rentals comes in. If you are in the Baltimore area for only a few months or years to finish your residency, consider a flexible, short-term housing option.
Short and affordable lease options for medical residents:
Co-living spaces
Extended stay hotels

For the most privacy and the most “homey” feeling while completing your medical residency, consider an apartment with SURE Rentals. Some apartments are completely private, while others offer private bedrooms and bathrooms in a shared living space.
The apartments come fully or partially furnished to help you settle in and feel at home. Living in a SURE Rentals apartment is a great option if you are craving space and comfort.
Co-living spaces
If you want to live with another medical student or professional in a more social setting, renting a room in one of SURE Rentals’ co-living spaces could be a great thing for you. You get the privacy of your own bedroom and your own bathroom, but you share your kitchen, and living room with your roommate.
Extended stay hotels
If you do not want to commit to moving into a semi-permanent living space like a long-term lease apartment or a co-living space, an extended stay hotel is a great option during your medical residency.
Hotels are very convenient for busy medical students, fellows, and professionals who also need a full kitchen or a large space. Another added perk of hotels is they are very affordable and can provide flexibility if you plan to travel frequently.
Meta Description
Check out these short and affordable lease options for medical residents looking for flexible housing.